OFN Friday News Digest
The OFN brings you a roundup of the week’s news relevant to Older Women.

Fuel Poverty Action

Next month the Fuel Poverty Action is taking an #EnergyForAll Manifesto to Parliament.

The Fuel Poverty Action “Energy For All” proposal was founded on the principle that every household should receive enough energy to ensure its needs can be met. There’s plenty of money to make this a reality; it could be done by putting an end to fossil fuel subsidies, properly taxing enormous energy company profits, and introducing higher tariffs on luxury energy use, 

Ask your MP to attend our Manifesto launch and sign in support of the demand for a cheaper, greener and fairer energy pricing system! 

Watch the Westminster Hall debate

The Westminster Hall debate about why sex must mean sex across the Equality Act will take place on Monday 12th June from 4.30 pm.

It will be broadcast on ParliamentTV and live-tweeted (thanks to the Tribunal Tweets team).
There are no votes in this kind of debate, which will take the form “That this House has considered e-petitions 623243 and 627984, relating to the definition of ‘sex’ in the Equality Act 2010”.

It is an important chance to have the arguments aired in parliament, and a Government minister will give a response.

Thanks to Sex Matters to all their activism about this issue.



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