Remarkable Women of London
Join OFN Member Alexandra Murrell on a walk to celebrate some remarkable women in our herstory and raise money for WILPF UK.

By Alexandra Murrell

This huge city has been home to many women who have contributed to the well-being of society.

Join me on a walk to celebrate some of these women and raise money for WILPF UK.

Please book first via the links below and bring cash on the day.

March 12th – Book Here

March 18th – Book Here

The well-known nurse Mary Secole, the first women doctors Elizabeth Garret Anderson and her daughter Louisa Garrett Anderson, are some of the women with plaques and statues. The military hospital in Endell street is a sports centre with a plaque to remember the military hospital in 1918-18 run by women.

Sylvia Pankhurst is awaiting her statue in Clerkenwell to celebrate her achievements for women’s rights; her mother Emmeline Pankhurst’s statue is in Westminster. Walk along Covent Garden and celebrate dancers and actors such as Margot Fonteyn.

On the way to Westminster, there is a memorial to women who worked in World War II, depicting the uniforms of women in 17 different wartime roles. The invisibility of women is well depicted in this large memorial.

Along Westminster bridge is the statue of Boudicca with her daughters, quite a powerful statue considering very little is known about her.

Finally, at the end of Westminster Bridge is St Thomas Hospital and in the green space outside is a very large statue of Mary Seacole, the Jamaican nurse who was active in the Crimean War. Further along. is the Florence Nightingale museum, and to complete the walk enjoy a refreshment in Festival Hall.

These are some of the landmarks planned for the walks to celebrate International Womens Day and raise some money for women’s peace endeavours.



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