OFN Friday Digest
The OFN brings you a roundup of the week’s news relevant to Older Women.

Don’t misuse biology to hide the nature of sex

In The Critic, Helen Saxby looks at why biology shouldn’t be misused to hide the nature of sex. Read or listen to the article here.

From Sex Matters, an update on the petition (70,000 signatures so far)

Sex in the Equality Act

Ask the Chancellor to end the long wait for social care

Petition: Age UK is asking the Chancellor to ensure all older people can get the care and support they need.


Sorry, Jeremy Hunt, we older people want to work. But bosses just don’t want us to

Writing in The Guardian, Dorothy Byrne discusses the discrimination Older People face in the workplace, after the Chancellor says he wants us back in employment.

Put more old women on TV, says Helena Bonham Carter

“Our eggs might not be great but our souls and our stories and everything else are just as good as anyone’s.”

Helena Bonham Carter

Helena Bonham Carter made a plea to put more old women on TV. “For f***’s sake, you have all these people in telly who are men”, the actor said at the British Film Institute. “Where are our 74-year-old women? It should be more equal. We’re all marvellous!” The actor was speaking at a screening of her latest project, Nolly.

Helena Bonham Carter filming The King’s Speech at Queen Street Mill Textile Museum (Credit)

1 Comment

  1. Loving the new website! Thanks for putting it together. Really enjoyed the articles in the latest newsletter too.


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