Paying Tribute to the 26 Older Women Killed by Men in the Past 12 Months
To mark International Women’s Day, Hourglass, the UK’s only charity focused on the abuse and neglect of older people, has highlighted and paid tribute to the 26 older women who were killed by men in the UK over the last 12 months.
101 women sadly lost their lives over the past 12 months, with 25% aged over 60.
Read the article in full here.
Read Hourglass’s Research document here.
Visit the Counting Dead Women.
Visit the Femicide Census.
Read more from the ONS 2022 homicide report.

Launch of The Lesbian Project

Kathleen Stock and Julie Bindel launch The Lesbian Project, a new initiative to highlight the experiences of lesbians. The project will work to build a knowledge base about lesbian lives, and to promote sensible and evidence-based policy.
Men Need to be Held Accountable for Violence Against Women
Jalna Hanmer is a feminist of 70 years. She was responsible for bringing Women’s Studies to UK academia and was a founder of the National Women’s Aid Federation. In this episode of the FiLiA Podcast, Jalna talks with Julie Bindel about her life’s work and the forthcoming exhibition at FiLiA 2023 on the renowned Brighton 1996 ‘International Conference on Violence, Abuse and Women’s Citizenship’.
Women’s Experiences Relating to Gender, Sexuality, and Daily Life During the 1970s
Skye Shepherd, a final-year history student at the University of Warwick, is currently writing a dissertation on the impact of the British Women’s Liberation Movement on women’s experiences relating to gender, sexuality, and daily life during the 1970s. They are conducting a series of short interviews with women and are in need of some more participants – if you’d like more information please contact skye dot shepherd at
Women and Retirement in France
Since January, millions of people have taken to the streets across France in protest at the government’s pension reforms. Women have been unmissable and essential to the demonstrations. Indeed, retirement reflects one’s career, but it also reveals a lifetime of inequality: in France, women’s pensions are 40 percent lower than those of men. How does this happen? When is the die cast for French women? This video explains why: