OFN Friday Digest
The OFN brings you a roundup of the week’s news relevant to Older Women.

Justyna Wydrzyńska Found Guilty of Providing Help Accessing an Abortion: Poland

This week was the trial of  Justyna Wydrzyńska, a Polish abortion activist who gave her own abortion pills to a woman in need in 2020. The woman, known as “Ania”, was in an abusive relationship and her partner had already prevented her from getting an abortion once. Justyna posted her own pills to Ania so she could make her own choice, and have control over her own body. Ania’s partner was intercepting her messages, and called the police on both Ania and Justyna when he found the pills.

Read the full story here.

Women Not Helped by Spring Budget

“Women are the shock absorbers of poverty, putting further financial pressures on this group at this time – during the cost of living crisis – is unconscionable”

– Women Budget Group BG Director Dr Mary-Ann Stephenson quoted on the misguided changes to Universal Credit which will badly affect women

Low-income individuals (mostly women) will experience tighter work eligibility criteria and sanctions, while rich individuals (mostly men) will benefit from tax relief on their pension wealth in order to entice them into retiring later.

Read the full report by the Women’s Budget Group.

Let’s Have a Commissioner for Ageing

The National Pensioners Convention (NPC) is calling for a Commissioner for Older People and Ageing (COPA) to raise awareness of the issues people face in later life, and to bring together decision-makers to make change happen. Difficulties getting the right care and support or money worries in later life can all too often leave people feeling invisible and powerless.

Read more about the proposal here.



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