OFN Friday Digest
The OFN brings you a roundup of the week’s news relevant to Older Women.

UK emergency alert test happening Sunday, April 23rd

People at risk of domestic abuse have been advised to turn off any mobile device they want to keep hidden next Sunday, as ministers prepare to launch the first nationwide test of a new emergency alert system.

Read more about what to do if you’re at risk.

Read the government announcement about the test.

Hospitals report 33 rapes and sex assaults a week in England and Wales

A total of 6,500 sexual attacks were reported to have taken place in hospitals in England and Wales in three years, figures show.

Data published by the Women’s Rights Network (WRN), a grassroots group, showed that there was an average of 33 cases of rape and assault each week, with 4.1 per cent of the offences leading to a suspect being charged.

At least 2,088 rapes and 4,451 sexual assaults were reported between 2019 and 2022, freedom of information requests to police forces in England and Wales disclosed. The cases included gang rapes and assaults on children.

Heather Binning, WRN’s founder, said the figures were “the tip of the iceberg”. She told the Daily Mail: “Hospitals are places where everyone — patients, staff and visitors — should feel completely safe but rapes and violent assaults are taking place in hospitals every week.

“The figures show hospitals are not safe places. They are almost a market for sexual offenders. It’s terrifying.”

Read more or download the report on the Women’s Rights Network website.

75-year-old woman runs 3:33 at Boston Marathon

Rice running the 2023 Boston Marathon. Photo: Jeannie Rice/Facebook

Three days after her 75th birthday, Jeannie Rice won the W75-79 age category at the Boston Marathon–by 20 minutes. (Rice running the 2023 Boston Marathon. Photo: Jeannie Rice/Facebook)

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