OFN Friday Digest
The OFN brings you a roundup of the week’s news relevant to Older Women.

State pension: Married older women could be owed £6,500 EACH

Around 237,000 pensioners have been underpaid approximately £1.46 billion. More than 22,270 underpayments have been identified as involving married women.

Call the pension service on 0800 731 0469, to check if you’re missing out.

Read more.

Don’t Miss Out: Energy Bill Support Vouchers Expire on 30th June

The Energy Bills Support Scheme gave a £400 grant to households to help pay for energy bills last winter 2022/23.

If you have a pre-payment meter, you may have received the £400 discount in the form of vouchers. Make sure you use these vouchers before they expire on 30 June.

Find out more.

The House of Lords to Debate How to Tackle Violence Against Women and Girls in the UK

VAWG: After labelling violence against Women and Girls a national threat, the UK government is now set to debate the issue on 29th June 2023. In the past year of data, the victim was female in 74% of domestic abuse cases, 72% of domestic homicide cases, and 86% of sexual offences.

Older women almost completely missing from this year’s UK music festival headliners

The Centre for Aging Better is highlighting the lack of older women on stage. While older women are almost completely absent from the headliner slots or even the main stage, older male performers are much more prominent – indicating a damaging combination of ageism and sexism in the music industry.

Read more.



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