OFN Friday News Digest
The OFN brings you a roundup of the week’s news relevant to Older Women.

Court says Scottish gender reform block is legal

Judges have ruled that the UK government acted lawfully in blocking Scotland’s gender self-ID reforms.

Legislation making it easier for people to change their legally-recognised sex was passed by the Scottish Parliament last year.

The UK government blocked it from becoming law over fears it would impact on equality laws across Great Britain.

The Court of Session in Edinburgh has now rejected a Scottish government legal challenge to the veto.

The Scottish government has 21 days to decide whether it wants to appeal against the ruling, and the case could ultimately end up in the Supreme Court in London.


Office for National Statistics releases new data on domestic abuse

In that data, 3.2% of respondents aged 60-74 and 1.4% of those aged 75+ reported that they had experienced domestic abuse in the year spanning April 2022 to March 2023, which is equivalent to an estimated 375,000 people older victims of domestic abuse in England and Wales.


Deborah Wood: Society ‘disappears’ ageing women. So I harnessed that cloak of invisibility to do all sorts of ‘inappropriate’ things

The Guardian has spotlighted the New Zealand-born visual artist Deborah Wood, who declares, “Instead of simmering in a stew of rage and resentment, I became a purveyor of transgressive acts, using street art to disrupt and spread joy”.




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