Feedback to the Cass Review Submitted by the OFN

Feedback to the Cass Review Submitted by the OFN

The Older Feminist Network (OFN) welcomes the final report of NHS commissioned Review of gender identity services for children and young people led by Dr Hilary Cass (the Report) and the recommendations on how to improve NHS ‘Gender Identity Services’.   We are...
Campaigning Against the Decriminalisation of Prostitution

Campaigning Against the Decriminalisation of Prostitution

The OFN has signed an open letter objecting to a call by the Council of Europe (CoE) Human Rights Commissioner for all member states to adopt the full decriminalisation of prostitution, including pimps, brothel keepers, and sex buyers. The European Court of Human...
The OFN Submission to GREVIO

The OFN Submission to GREVIO

By Laila Namdarkhan When I first encountered the acronym GREVIO, the first thing that came to my mind was the children’s scary story The Gruffalo, that monster invading children’s dreams. Well, GREVIO could also be regarded as scary as it attempts to...
Letter to UN Women UK

Letter to UN Women UK

The OFN has joined with other feminist organisations to register our dismay and disappointment at the appointment of a male activist, Munroe Bergdorf, as a UN Women UK champion. “The UK has reason to be proud of its strong feminist credentals. We have a dynamic...
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