OFN Friday Digest

OFN Friday Digest

State pension: Married older women could be owed £6,500 EACH Around 237,000 pensioners have been underpaid approximately £1.46 billion. More than 22,270 underpayments have been identified as involving married women. Call the pension service on 0800 731 0469, to check...
Solent WASPI event

Solent WASPI event

Last Saturday afternoon, I was one of a small group of Solent WASPI women, along with very supportive Portsmouth South MP Stephen Morgan, who pitched up in the Southsea shopping precinct with our roller banner and open letter to Rishi Sunak asking for fair and fast...
OFN Friday News Digest

OFN Friday News Digest

A roundup of the latest news relevant to Older Women: Shocking Recent Figures on Excess Winter Deaths Join the National Pensioners Convention (NPC) Winter Deaths Funeral Procession on January 19, London, in protest at the huge number of people dying from cold-related...
My Gold Plated Pension?!

My Gold Plated Pension?!

By Cheryl After leaving Lancaster University with a 2.1 (Hons) in 1981, I immediately did my Postgraduate Certificate of Education for secondary school, qualifying in 1982. I followed this up with an M.A. in 2002. From 1983 to 1999 I taught full-time as a class...
Women are the “Shock Absorbers” of Poverty 

Women are the “Shock Absorbers” of Poverty 

OFN has found their report highlights various groups of women: women with disabilities, carers, BAME women, single parents – but there is no mention of older women or women pensioners. This is a common omission in policy documents, and yet age is on of the nine...
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